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Theatrical programs

Foto: A.Opoļskis

„Who lived in Cēsis Castle?”

Do you wish to know who lived in Cēsis Medieval Castle? How the ancient castle residents spent their days in peacetime and war? The castle servant will tell about the daily life of the Livonian Order and provide answers to these questions within the walls of the castle lit up by candle light. During this program you will get an idea of what the medieval people saw in this world, discover daily routine in the castle, how people who live here dressed, what they ate during the Heyday of the  Brothers of the Order. You will also discover how the castle residents successfully combined the monk’s lives in faith and humility and  knight`s passion on the battlefield.

Duration: 1,5 hours

Price for groups up to 20 people – 150.00 EUR per group (120.00 EUR per students’ group)
Price for groups of 20 – 35 people – EUR 7.50 – for adults, EUR 6.00 – for pupils, students
If there are more than 35 people in the group, the situation should be discussed individually.

To book the program or to get more information contact:
Dagnija Ozola, +37126627939, dagnija.ozola@cesunovads.lv

Foto: A.Opoļskis

„Medieval games”

We offer you the chance to experience the Middle Ages with various power and dexterity games. The following games were played from an early age, thus ensuring the necessary skills needed to become a full member of Knights. The Castle servant will introduce you to several exciting agility tests like fighting on the balance beam, walking on stilts, dropping stones into the target, pulling the stick and other activities.

The visit to the medieval castle is not included in the program.

Duration: 1,5 hours

Price for groups up to 20 people – 160.00 EUR per group (130.00 EUR per students’ group)
Price for groups of 20 – 35 people – EUR 8.00 – for adults, EUR 6.50 – for pupils, students
If there are more than 35 people in the group, the group should be split into two groups.

To book the program or to get more information contact:
Dagnija Ozola, +37126627939, dagnija.ozola@cesunovads.lv


Count Carl Gustaf von Sievers and his wife Helen will proudly present to guests their manor house and its history, their families and unusual and remarkable destinies of their family members. Countess Helen will invite guests to the dining room and show you the manor’s Coffee Room, Great salon, where music was often played and beautiful balls took place. She will also show you the Count’s office. The Count will not miss the opportunity to showyou his thriving and modern economy. Whilst visiting and viewing the castle the guests will have the opportunity to try their hand at the 19th century favourite grace game.

Duration: 1,5 h

Price for groups up to 20 people – 200,00 EUR per group (170.00 EUR per students’ group)
Price for groups of 20 people and up – EUR 10.00 – for adults, EUR 8.50 – for pupils, students
If there are more than 35 people in the group, the situation should be discussed individually.

To book the program or to get more information contact:
Dagnija Ozola, +37126627939, dagnija.ozola@cesunovads.lv

„Medieval feast in Cēsis castle”

You are invited to travel in time and take part in a medieval feast at Cēsis Castle. The governor of the castle – Brother Dietrich will welcome you to the feast table to enjoy a medieval banquet. For your comfort and pleasure, medieval castle servants and musician will take you back to those ancient times. The governor of the castle will test your bravery, agility and luck. The Castle servants will also teach you the most beautiful medieval dances.

Duration: 2- 2,5 hours

Price for groups up to 20 people – 320,00 EUR per group (260.00 EUR per students’ group)
Price for groups of 20 people and up – EUR 16.00 – for adults, EUR 13.00 – for pupils, students
The price does not include food service costs.

To book the program or to get more information contact:
Dagnija Ozola, +37126627939, dagnija.ozola@cesunovads.lv

„Reception hosted by master of the Livonian Order, Volter von Pletenberg”

It is the year 1526 – the golden age of the Livonian Order’s Castle in Cēsis. We invite you to take part in a reception hosted by the most famous Master of the Livonian Order, Volter von Pletenberg.
You will be welcomed at the Castle gates by the Master’s trusted servant – his Secretary. He will tell you about the history of the Livonian Order and the Castle, and prepare you for an impending visit to the Master.  The Secretary will accompany you to the Castle garden where his task will be to discover which one of you will become the vassal by testing your bravery, agility and luck.

When the candidate to be the new vassal has been chosen, the Secretary will invite you to the Castle`s courtyard to meet Brother Vilhelm who will give you lanterns, lit by candles and will take you to the Castle. Having climbed up the winding stairs of the Castle tower, you will arrive at one of the Castle’s most beautiful rooms – the Master’s residential and working abode.

Here you will be greeted by the Master of Livonian Order. You will be able to ask any question you are interested in. Then ceremony will be held marking the inauguration of the new vassal, in which the new vassal will receive the liege’s book and a ring as certification of the relationship between the vassal and his Master. The Master will ask the new vassal to invite everybody to a medieval feast prepared by the Castle’s servants.

Duration: 2,5- 3 hours

Price for groups up to 20 people – 400,00 EUR per group (340.00 EUR per students’ group)
Price for groups of 20 people and up – EUR 20.00 – for adults, EUR 17.00 – for pupils, students
The price does not include food service costs.

To book the program or to get more information contact:
Dagnija Ozola, +37126627939, dagnija.ozola@cesunovads.lv

„Medieval wedding”

If you wish to gain an insight into the conduct of a medieval wedding, you are welcome to the Livonian Order Cēsis Castle. Inhabitants of the castle will greet the young couple in the Castle`s garden. The newlyweds will be tested in accordance with the conditions that are true to medieval life. The bride “to be” will have the chance to bear witness to her future husband’s strength and agility. In turn, the groom will witness how adept his future wife proves to be whilst engaged in the most important housework.

After the successful completion of the test, the Brother of the Order will show you around Cēsis’ Castle. In the Castle, the Castle Chaplain will host the wedding ceremony in the medieval manner and give his blessing to the newlyweds as they commence their life together. Duration: 1 hour

Price for group: EUR 120.00

To book the program or to get more information contact:
Dagnija Ozola, +37126627939, dagnija.ozola@cesunovads.lv


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